Summer has been pretty quiet. R is w/her mom in Texas. A is w/her dad in Texas and K went to spend 2 weeks w/her dad and sister in Texas and is now back. So right now just one teenage daughter. About a week ago, though, A decided that she wanted to stay with her dad in Texas for this coming school year. It was quite a shock. I wasn't expecting it. My ex-husband and JT have been really supportive and great during all these changes. I am dealing with it. Trying. Feel bad for me and excited for her to experience time w/her dad. I know she is going into a great situation, but I am mom, I am still going to worry. I will miss a whole year w/out her. I can't even imagine. It hurts my heart but I am going to let her do it and support her 100%. I can skype and facebook her, I can call her all the time and send her goodie packages, too! I just wont be there for the day to day and I always have been. I have great friends, Venus & Andrea and all my facebook friends who have given me great advice and support and I know will continue to do so. WOW! Only 2 teenage daughters at home. Sounds dull, lol.