Monday, February 27, 2012


My goodness what a crazy weekend.  Saturday was our date night, we went to see Jimmy Buffett at the BJCC and we met another couple at Margarita Grill in Pelham!  OMG FABULOUS!  The concert was one of the best EVER! What an entertainer!  Then on Sunday one of my good friends lost her dad.  She had just buried her Aunt on Thursday and now another funeral tomorrow.  My heart just breaks for her.  She has had a rough 2 years and the poor thing doesn't get a break.  Praying for her.  I am going to her dad's funeral.  He was a sweet man.  I got the privilege to get to know him a little.  I was so glad to see so many people at the hospital for her.  What good friends we have when the time is needed.  I hope that my being there and my prayers are enough.  I want to be the friend that I need when times are tough.  So not a lot of teenage drama but I did keep my girls posted and they were very sweet and need to know that life is a special gift.  I also want to teach them compassion and how to be a good friend, no matter what.  We do have to teach our kids compassion and empathy.  How else are they going to learn.  I try very hard to get my girls involved when we are doing charity work.  I want them to know that there is MORE to life the boys and girl/boy drama and makeup.  But we do forget that those things are so important to them and that is their whole world.  We have to take a step back and remember those days.

I like reading a prayer and seeing the words.  It kind of helps it stick.  I have done a little research so here is the prayer that I have started praying in regards to my children, hope it offers peace and some help:

Lord, sometimes I don’t know where my job as a parent ends and Your heavenly gift as Savior begins. Grant me understanding, so that I may do all that I can, and nothing more.  
Hold them in your arms as they go through their day.
Reveal yourself to them often, proving that they are never alone.
Help them to be strong enough to make a difference; to change the lives of others rather than changing who they are to fit in.
Make their paths straight before them, just as you promised to do, and then give them the strength to follow.
The decisions they make today can alter the path of the rest of their lives. Please help them to better understand this, and protect them when the time arrives to make those choices.
Show them that the rules we have in place are to protect them; not to prevent them from having fun, but rather to keep them from crossing lines into adulthood long before they are ready. Help them understand that once you cross those lines, there is no going back to being a kid.
Help them never to doubt you, you are real, so please comfort them and give them your answers long before they need them.   
I pray these same things for their future spouses and children. Protect their future and create it in a way that brings them all closer together and to you in the end.
And God, please keep whispering these things to them until they are ready for me to tell them face to face. 
Because Lord, I adore my teens, and am so thankful you chose me to be their parent.
Give me what I need to do the job you asked of me, and hold me when I’m scared. I never want to let either you or them down.
In Jesus Name,
