Monday, May 7, 2012

Update to the rule list - one got marked off

What a weekend!  With 3 teenagers and 2 of them played so good w/each other on Sunday, it was bound to end badly.  Oh and it did!  Well, rule number 4 is off the list.  Leaving things in others people's room.  Child #3 left cellphone in child #2 room.  No cellphone for 2 weeks not acceptable.  So we had to make an adjustment - No one is allowed to take their stuff into another person's room.  It didn't go over so well for child #2.  She thinks that the rules still don't apply to #3.  Oh, I will be soooooooo glad when school is out.  It was a busy weekend and I am hoping that most of this will blow over.  And the icing on the cake -  #3 was wearing #2's shirt this am... Thank goodness I was home to avert WWIII!!!! LOL....

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see that you being home in the morning is so worth it. Didn't know when you got married with children that you were becoming the warden and the general, did you? Oh the things they don't tell us about parenthood. Glad you averted the war!
